SenateAires and Oregon Spirit Together Again


Once again, the men of the SenateAires Chorus have been given the privilege of singing at the Holiday Show for the amazing ladies of the Oregon Spirit Chorus.  The first weekend of December, we will appear on stage with the award-winning women’s chorus to spread some holiday cheer and make some spirits brighter with holiday music raised to the rafters.  With Festive Fun Favorites and Happy Holiday Harmonies, we will join our voices to make merry and sing of good will and great joy.

The fun will take place at the Dayspring Fellowship Center in Keizer on Saturday, December 2, 2023.  You should secure your tickets early to be guaranteed a spot.  Simply click on the announcement image to be taken to the Oregon Spirit website where you can secure yours now!  If you prefer, you can also follow this link to obtain your tickets.

Come Sing With Us!

We welcome any men who enjoy camaraderie and great singing! We’re starting up the process of getting together and making great music again. If you’d like to know more, visit our Contact Page.

Watch us on YouTube!

SenateAires at International

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