Welcome Guests, New Members


The SenateAires ranks continue to grow, with the advent of more and more guests seeing just how much fun we have singing Barbershop.  It seems like each week we have new guests at rehearsal, and they’re finding it too irresistible to stay away.  In the month of February alone, we gained six new great singers to our official membership roles. Welcome Ben, Caric, Charley, Oscar, Tyler & Zach.  Along with those six new members, we have several guests who have attended rehearsals for several weeks and are considering joining the group.  I guess you just can’t hide how much fun it is to sing Barbershop when you see and hear it for yourself.  With our upcoming show and Youth Festival on April 6, we couldn’t be more excited with the expanding group.  I guess I had better order some additional shirts and ties for all the new guys!

Come Sing With Us!

We welcome any men who enjoy camaraderie and great singing! We’re starting up the process of getting together and making great music again. If you’d like to know more, visit our Contact Page.

Watch us on YouTube!

SenateAires at International

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