SenateAires Awards Dinner


On Saturday, February 18, the SenateAires Chorus members, their spouses, and invited guests met for dinner to consider the Chapter events of 2022.  Led by Chapter President Bob Cox the group reminisced over the many successes of 2022.  After introductions of the spouses present, Bob went through some of the exciting times we had last year, including the Festival in April, the blockbuster show in June, and all the great times we enjoyed bringing our craft to many of the shut-in seniors in some of the assisted living facilities near us.  Bob took time to recognize the Board Members for their contributions throughout the year, as well as the new and returning chorus members who have recently become active in our chorus.

The “Rookie of the Year” award was presented to David Russell by the chapter president.  Bob commented how David had joined the chorus late last year and had hit the ground running during his first year with the SenateAires, always looking to help wherever he could and making great strides in honing his craft.

Director Will Fox recounted many of the accomplishments we have seen in our musicality and talked about some of the great things still to come throughout the upcoming year.  He thanked the Music Team for their help during 2022, and shared some of the upcoming events the Team is working on.  Will then presented the “Most Improved Singer” award to Mark Puhlman. Since joining the chorus in mid Spring 2022, Mark has worked steadily to become the best singer he can.

Near the end of the evening, the prestigious “BARBERSHOPPER OF THE YEAR” award was handed out by last year’s recipient Don Butler.  Don talked about the award, how it was voted on by the members, and how it was a testament to the dedication of that one individual in every group who always seems to be there when there’s a project, who always drives the group forward, and who is recognized by the group as that one individual who has, above all others, made our group better by their dedication and hard work.  This year’s recipient, by a landslide vote, was Chapter President BOB COX.  Without fail, Bob has made so many things happen during 2022, and the members voted, by landslide, to recognize him for all he has done.  Congratulations Bob – and to all of the SenateAires – for another great year.

Come Sing With Us!

We welcome any men who enjoy camaraderie and great singing! We’re starting up the process of getting together and making great music again. If you’d like to know more, visit our Contact Page.

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